What Does BTFD Mean in Crypto? Best way to Explain

BTFD is a rallying cry utilize by traders to inform others trader to buy or invest when an asset pulls back. When Bitcoin was on bull run from ten thousand to sixty thousand, most of newbie’s investors started cry out BTFD at any given red candle.


BTFD bear for buy the fucking dip. Traders or investors utilize it as a show of friendship, advising each other that the red candle is only short term, and their coin will soon go to the moon, green candle.

The reason behind the BTFD strategy (and yes, it is a real strategy) is that buying when the market is red significantly provides the trader or investors with a discount, the dip is hypothetically only temporary. Regardless BTFD is not a bad strategy or move in a bull market for traders, crypto investors are now starting to see that buying the fucking dip is not a game plan or master plan that works in every circumstance in the market, as the dips just keep coming especially during bear market.

Investing just because prices went down can put you in a bad position quickly. You must be confident that the asset will bounce back, and it have value behind it, and do not FOMO in one go. Using a form of dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is likely to yield better results for long term investors [investment].

Briefly, BTFD (buy the fucking dip) is utilized to point out or recall each other to buy the dip [red candle] and sell high [green candle].

Where Does BTFD Come From?

BTFD is a modernized or new version of a long-Terme trading short term: BTD. In true Gen-Z fashion, just buying the dip doesn’t do it. We need at least to add an F-bomb to it in order for it to be complete.

Apart from, the strategy has remained pretty much the same, albeit that the usage has been applied to a wider range of markets. investors are buying the dip in shitcoins and meme stocks, while the seasoned investor of the past bought dips on fundamentally sound companies like Apple or JP Morgan Chase. That been said do your research on any digital asset you’re trying to put your money in, do not FOMO in because of the market hype Darth Vader will showed up on your finance, last but not least always invest what you can afford to lose.

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