Best way to Explain How Layer 0 Blockchains: Closing the Gaps Between Blockchains

Blockchains classified as layer 0s are those that seek to streamline the movement of information and/or value between otherwise independent blockchains, possibly incorporating layer-1 and layer-2 platforms.

The majority of blockchains at the moment are isolated from one another. Due to blockchain tribalism, each keeps track of its own ledger, set of smart contracts, and frequently, user base.
Many DApp developers choose to deploy their smart contracts on numerous distinct blockchains, which may split their community and introduce UI obstacles. This results in a significant duplication of labor. Additionally, it promotes the quick development of clones and copycats, who use the recipes and goods that have previously been successful on one chain before introducing them on a different chain.


This resulted in some predatory behavior.strategies, with layer 1s competing for popular decentralized applications (DApps) and putting up sizeable ecosystem funds to help draw in talent while striking up exclusivity deals with prominent DApps. It can also lead to vampire attacks, where a copycat platform attempts to one-up its predecessor and drain its liquidity, users, or other key resources. Layer zeros change the paradigm by helping developers favor cooperation over the competition by ensuring that the applications and products they develop on one chain can communicate with and interoperate with assets and users that exist on other chains.

How Do Layer 0s Work?

With well over a dozen technologies competing to be the thread that connects blockchains, the layer 0 environment is currently highly diversified.
All of them strive to unite several blockchains to create a more unified and interoperable ecosystem where cross-chain communication is quick and easy. However, how they go about doing this varies from platform to platform.
Having said that, the majority of these systems share a few fundamental approaches, philosophies, protocols, and technology.
A few of these are:
Atomic swaps: Without the aid of a reliable middleman, Layer 0 blockchains employ atomic swaps to transfer assets from one chain to another. Use cases like cross-chain liquidity pools and inter-chain asset trading are made possible by atomic swaps.
Oracles for cross-chain data: These permit

Allowing independent layer 1s and layer 2s to access data from a range of distinct chains, blockchains enable secure off-chain data access and exploitation. In addition, systems like Chainlink provide interoperability protocols like the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) to assist blockchains in uniformly receiving and exchanging data from oracle nodes.

Passing arbitrary messages between chains is a feature that virtually all layer 0s have, enabling smooth data interchange between any and all chains in the L0 ecosystem. The Cross-Consensus Message Format (XCM) from Polkadot, the Cross-Chain Communication Protocol (WCCC) from Wanchain, and the Inber-Blockchain Communication Protocol from the Cosmos SDK are some instances of arbitrary message-passing technologies and protocols. (IBC).
shared agreement Layer zeros provide a single underlying consensus mechanism for all connected chains.

What Are the Most Prominent Layer 0s?

One of the most actively developed areas of the cryptocurrency market at the moment is layer 0; developers are working to maximize interoperability between sovereign chains and open up new possibilities for users and builders.

There are currently well over a dozen platforms with characteristics similar to layer 0. While some have already had notable success, others are still virtually unheard of. Now that several L1 blockchains are interconnected via numerous L0s, there is competition amongst platforms.

Currently, they are compared based on a number of criteria, such as acceptance, community and ecosystem size, security, and interoperability capabilities. Even if a number of platforms are currently in the lead, it is unclear which L0 (or L0s) will rule the market in the years to come.

two of the most well-known:


Polkadot, one of the biggest ICOs ever, provided funding for the layer 0 platform in 2017, making it by far the most well-known and possibly the most complete.

The infrastructure is made up of a core relay chain to which numerous parachains—each of which is a separate, application-specific blockchain—are connected. With Polkadot, data and tokens may be exchanged freely between multiple parachains, enabling hitherto impractical interactions between apps and assets on various blockchains.
Bridge integration enables the secure porting of assets from non-substrate-based blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin to Polkadot and vice versa.

The Nominated Proof of Stake (NPoS) validator selection used by Polkadot is extremely energy-efficient and is designed using the Substrate framework from Parity Technologies.mechanism to thwart assaults and retain decentralization. Other advantages include on-chain governance for DOT holders, a strong cross-chain messaging standard called XCM, and a solution for almost instant finality.


The Cosmos Network is an interconnected network of potentially hundreds of blockchains, making it the second most well-known layer 0 platform.

The Interblockchain Communication Protocol (ICP), which is used to exchange data and assets between blockchains in the Cosmos ecosystem, is one of the foundational elements of the project. There are no restrictions on the network architecture or consensus process of sovereign blockchains, but they must be capable of a few minimum functionalities in order to be compatible with IBC.

The Cosmos SDK allows programmers to create their own chains and applications for the Cosmos ecosystem.

The Cosmos Hub is the hub of this “Internet of Blockchains.” The Cosmos Network’s main blockchain is intended to connect and

interoperate with the other blockchains in the network.

Like many layer 0 platforms, Cosmos uses a system of bridges and relayer nodes to migrate assets and data between chains, allowing it to be used throughout the Cosmos Network world wild.

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